Friday, July 16, 2010


In keeping with my "Where do you like to Knit" line....I decided that knit-n-bake was just up my alley!
We headed over to Hills Resort ( in Priest Lake, Idaho for our yearly vacation with another family.  It's in the Rocky mountains and the heat can be intense.  The lake is glacier water and my big toe was screaming from what it thought was frost bite.  There's only one way to cool off - laying in the raft and dipping the hands in the water once in a while to change direction.  I kept the yarn in a plastic sack as a precaution and was able to get quite a bit of knitting done while bronzing....I mean burning.  If you haven't knit-n-baked this summer, you haven't had a good summer yet!

1 comment:

Knitting Nerds said...

Good one Lisa... I love it!

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I'm a mother of 2 girl's, 12 and 15, a wife of 21 years and an obsessed knitter. I'm an avid gardener and cook.