Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Someone blogged about my twined hat


All be damned....by mere accident like everything else in my life, I fell upon a blog...and the blog happens to touch upon my twined hat, clear across the country.  Now I know that everyone today blogs, so eventually, we all will end up blogging about one another in due time.  Nonetheless, it's exciting to think that someone actually thinks your pattern is interesting enough to blog about.

Thank you Stringplay for making me smile!

1 comment:

Knitting Nerds said...

Whoo hoo... one of the only times when it is GOOD for someone to be talking about you! Way to go and keep those awesome patterns coming :)

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I'm a mother of 2 girl's, 12 and 15, a wife of 21 years and an obsessed knitter. I'm an avid gardener and cook.